.: news and whats new - Project begun on 10-15-2007
This Blog is no longer updated. See the FB page for news and updates.
June 25th 2015- After much difficult work the pippin atmark is now supported.
April 30th 2015- This page in now for Bliss-Box custom designs only. The main goal is to help people understand how to make one, or allow them to purchase a customize version of a Bliss-Box. Bliss-box is undergoing a production line of products and venturing in to a LLC. A new site will be avail for resellers and general info in regards to the new line of products.
April 21st 2015- Added the HPD-500 sega paddle controller. The update process has a new VID/PID 16D0/0A5F. Information has been reflected on the how to page http://bliss-box.net/Bliss-Box/howTo.html
March 30th 2015- The ps3 now recognizes the home button. It will not turn the system on like the official controller but it does bring up the home menu and function during game use. Pressing (depending on the controller: start+select / start+Z / run/select) will trigger the home button. When the Bliss-Box is connected to the ps3 it auto maps all the buttons. So connecting a ps2 controller to the Bliss-box, gives you direct mappings. there is also a WIP (work in progress) code for the negcon to make it map in a traditional way. |

March 5th 2015- Kick Starter relaunch is live.
Jan 25th 2015- Playstion compatiblity is better. Found a timing fix makeing the %30 of controller that were giveing troubles working. The latest 1.30 firmware has the fix.
Jan 3rd 2015- Kick Starter RE-launch coming March 2015!!! Info here Pass it along. Also I heard some people talking about Kaboom not working with some USB adapters, happy to report it works well with Bliss-Box.
July 3rd 2014- Dream Cast LCD communication is complete. At this time only a static image can be displayed.
June 21th 2014- Finally after much anticipation XBOX users can now use the Bliss-Box! Join in the fun here.
May 11th 2014- Bug in last update causing auto detect on the fly to fail. Grab the latest for the fix.
May 4th 2014- Ok big news for linux and mac users. No more hacking the kernels to make it work. I found the definitive issue and fixed it. The real issue was the 3rd row of buttons. One downfall is that you need the kernel fix. Mavericks for OSX and ubuntu 13.04 and higer are examples that work. Here is the submitted bug.
April 21 2014- Ok, ps3 emulation has now been pushed to the normal build. It was done in such a way that the normal mapping won't change. If any problems occur just use the link below and report such. If you’re a 2.0 user you should have access to the latest build. If you’re not interested in the ps3 emulation mode the default is what you are use to. You will see a HAT ( point of view ) but it will do nothing unless you enter ps3 mode.
Also if you have the 2.0 beta and experience any Dolphin crashes please update.
April 14 2014- PS3 emulation is now corrected and working. Once you connect the Bliss-box to a ps3 simply hit start + Triangle. You must reset to get back to PC mode. Ps3 needs the HAT to work for Up Down Left and Right. Follow progress here
Aug 12 2013- The design challenge.
July 25 2013- This must be the week of bummers for BB. So in investigation of finding the ability to use the accessory wii port, I struggled to find a way to send more than 8 bits ( one byte ) via usb. Yes it can be done on usb 1.1 at half speed. Though, you lose timing ( lag ) with that many packets on the BB design. Meaning? Well it means I cannot do it at hardware level and achieve a none lag device. The limitations don’t end there, there is a lot more to it, so if interest post on the forums. So what does this mean for the wii port? Well it means all devices will be rendered to one byte. The nun chuck will read 10 bits of precision from the x,y,z twists, so this will be scaled down to 8 ( 256 ). The mplus does 14 or 16 bits and it also will be dropped to 8. So in a way the mplus is useless. The classic is 8 bits anyway so it works as is. Now interestingly if the wii port did support more the 8 , where would you even use it? Game cube is an 8 bit controller sampling system. The wii on the other hand takes larger data from the wii mote so this would only be useful in wii mote emulation. The only achievable means to do this would be to send one byte( the first 8 bits) and a second byte( the next 8) to dolphin. Then have dolphin do some really simple math to put it back together. This would require a change in the parser for the controller class. A developer by the name of Jasper pretty much flat out said, yeah its simple but I won’t do it because I don’t think you know what you are doing. Well for your reading entertainment, here is the thread.
Encase he gets the thread deleted this is the last quote from him.
emulator-specific hacks aren't the greatest way to approach a problem, and that you'd be better off investigating solutions that didn't require things like that.
I could really easily add support for complex math expressions, but I'm not going to, because I don't feel like it's the appropriate way to solve the problem you're having. That's all.
Read the entire post for his intolerant attitude. I could easily check out the dolphin source and add it for him but that would only start a battle.
July 18 2013- For any of you that have the new wii extension port get the latest update! It now works on dolphin.
July 14 2013- A sad day for Bliss-Box and all its fans…
I was hoping to release the announcement of the new production model but thanks to Tyler from prg-prototyping that is not the case. In working with PRG prototyping (http://prgprototyping.com/ ). Tyler Harrell, president of the company. informed me today that my handmade proto type and parts needed to design the production for bliss-box were thrown away. In 10-6-12 Tyler and I agreed to quote a proto type of the Bliss-box design. Per his request, he asked that I send the individual parts and a working box. He acknowledged they were received and kept me up to speed on the progress for the first month asking general questions to determine if it could be made. There was some question that his engineering team was competent enough to build the design. I asked that his team take the time and see what portion of this box could be mass produced. Tyler indicated he would need to contact a 3rd party team for the cabling and pinning. I had put good faith in Tyler to see what could be achieved. Over the next 7 months it pretty much has been me asking for a status on the quote. He always informed me they have not gotten to my design yet. Turns out somewhere in this 8 months my designed was thrown away. So tell me, how can you give or work on an estimate if you have no product to estimate from? I asked Tyler and he beat around the bush avoiding the question. Apparently there never were any plans to try and get a quote for me but rather to discard my design and hope that I would go away. In questioning this bazar behaviour he admitted the entire contents I shipped him were thrown away and did agree to reimburse the parts but not the labor of the box, though that is not the issue here. PRG prototyping has stolen my product offering half of what it’s worth and “our” time. Many of you are involved in making this project better and hoping for it to make production. Tyler Harrell has stolen from us all and shown his blatant disregard for other people’s property.
So what does this mean for Bliss-Box, well it means finding a new company and starting over along with finding the time to remake a box and new parts. With orders in and out monthly this is not going to be easy.
ps looks like we are not alone.
July 4 2013- The Jagure Pro is now officially supported. Some sad news for Bliss-Box but nothing terminal. :) more to come.
June 19 2013- The Wii accessory is now part of bliss-box. Big thx to Ralf as he did much of the work. Few things to note for Bliss-box. 1) the nun chuck for example uses a 10 bit accelerometer, thus meaning I have to split up the data. Fortunately it’s not really 1024 in size its only 515. So I used up all 6 axis to do it. Only advanced emulators like dolphin can see the total 512. See the forum for detail. 2) at this moment rumble is not finished, and I'm not certian there are motors in accessories. 3) I only have support for the nun chuck, classic remote, pro, and the motion plus. The m plus will need to use all 6 axis’s and I have not done much testing with it. More to come. 4) it’s important to know that the accessory is limited to 8 bytes or so, meaning some things like the classic controller are limited by design. For example you only get 5 bits of right stick and triggers. That is from 0-32 unlike the main stick having 7 bits. Again that is by design look it up on the wii home brew info.
May 5 2013- Few bugs fixed up. Nintendo 2d system controllers had an auto detect bug, arkanoid also was no longer reading the dial, and Asci pads also were not reading right. These have been fixed in the latest 2.0 build. Seems orders are now down to 5 so I have sometime to work on bugs and the wii extension.
April 16 2013- Ok, things are back to normal here. The order times are falling under a month. Not much to report it's been nothing but build build build. Looks like I will have time to add the high desired wii extension port and get to some bugs. Now is the time to report any issues on the forums so they can get fixed up.
January 12 2013- IMPORTANT NOTICE: Seeed studios used a 3rd party vender to make the cables. They made two errors and I will me making corrections on all orders going out. It is suggested you double check the cables so no mistakes can be made. Throughout the page you will see these errors in the images. In time I plan to clean that up. For guidance use the image on the tech page as it is the correct wiring. Also do to pricing and storage I can not afford to keep linker boards in stock. So they are not available. I will be able to keep a supply of the board itself. Just needs headers added.
December 12 2012- The xbox XBCD drivers don't seem to work on win7, I'll be posting the info on the forums to find a solution. Also the PSX code has improved compatibility. There are 3 revision ( H M and A ). I finial was able to make the M work. The A revision has always worked and H still does not.
December 4 2012- The new boards and cables are in. You may now order the new boards, new cable harness and linker boards. See the ordering page for more info.
note: pin color ordering is not correct.
the linker board will hold 20 headers. You may also soon buy a single jumper. So if you have a n64 port you want to add, its only 3 cables, so you will only need to buy a 16 pin header... In general you will only use the 16 pin header for neo-geo jaguar and combos like nes + psx but it saves me no money to order some 4 pin and 8 pin headers. So I only carry 16 pins and 1 pin. Cutting the header is relatively easy if needed.
October 2 2012- The drive bay model is now available. The pictures say it all.

August 20 2012- Bliss-box is being brought to its knees. I have more orders that I can make. The wait time is over 4 moths and growing. I wish I could go faster….
In other news I added support for the Game Cube wheel. Turns out the f-zero for the Gamecube uses a Logitech Speed Force Racing Wheel. This wheel has the ability to force the wheel right or left and the game supports it. I also think burn out uses it. Skid ( a dolphin developer ) and I are working together to make it work. I was able to make the wheel move use rumble for a quick test. He is going to add a drop down for it and add the FFB( force feed back ) calls.
This is all quite interesting to me, I didnt know any came used true FFB. That is non usb consoles. I dont really care about the ps3/xbox 360 and what not. Its outside the scope of this project.
July 12 2012- Ok two new things to add. First Bliss-Box is now a solder free solution. The new boards will link to a linker board and all you need to do is connect via a 16 or 8 pin header. This is going to be the way 2.0 is done. So all beta tester to be will be getting this board. The order has not been placed it and will be announced when its read. The hard part ( to some ) will be connecting the port wires to the header ( connector ) You will need to use DuPont header crimps and plug them in to a 8 or 16 pin header. Much like the connectors for your mother board reset/LED/power switch plugs. Here is a picture of what the boards will look like. full image here

Also I'm getting a lot of requests for drive bay enclosures. I will be adding the pricing to the order page soon. To buy this option you will need the USB header type and a faceplate from your computer. Email me if you need clarification.
February 16 2012- Redesigned the reset button. It now has two functions. Pressing it down when plugging in the USB puts you in upgrade mode, pressing it during play will reset the device.
January 18 2012- Added a new detection method. This pretty much takes care of the fulty detections. If you feel you have issues when detecting, try this code out. You can get this version from the beta folder. Log in to the forums and go to the beta section.
Aslo Ralf has returned to the scene and looks like he has made some head way. Mempack reading and write may not be far off!
January 9 2012- Stephen Anthony, the current author/maintainer for Stella has contacted me so that Stella can include a Bliss-Box profile for h
2007-2011 has been archived..
.: v2.0 notes/progress.
I have made some plans to go back the other way, controller to->usb then back to controller. The idea here is you get any adapter on any console. (i.e snes->upb->jaguar ) Obviously there will be some button mapping troubles and in some cases not enough buttons. Not sure how to handle this yet, but have some ideas.This concept may be in v 2.0, posibly 3.0.
auto pause detection : %100 complete
button matching cross controllers : %100 complete
Rumble : %100 complete
Mem card reading/LCD for n64 and DC : %35 complete
.: not to be supported.
Mice/keyboard, multi taps, wireless. These are stupid .. ( multi taps)If you want more than one buy another. The amount of time and size of the chip to support all of these would double the price. Not to mention kill the auto detection. (wireless) Bliss-Box is a corded adapter. If you want wireless get a wireless usb, same thing.. (Mice) whats wrong with a pc mouse? Mice are so standard anyways. Same with keyboards. DC-keyboard is just silly to add in the code and a big waste.
Bliss-Box, the only way to play....